Thursday, June 26, 2014

And then their were three!

We were recently asked if we would like another greyhound.  The owner lived in a small apartment and really didn't have time to tend him.  Of course I said yes.  Good thing we have a large yard, because this small house is a little crowded.  Meet Lenny (Leonard) He's big, black and extremely friendly.  Shelby our fawn greyhound wasn't sure if she wanted a live in playmate at first, but now they get along fine.  Poor Gigi is now a squeaky toy to two.  Luckily if they get too raucous, she can run under the furniture or jump on my lap.  My kids say I've replaced the dogs for them now that they're gone.  Maybe so, but we enjoy them and they keep us going instead of becoming couch potatoes. Greyhounds have such interesting personalities.  They're huge puppies, but run them for 15- 20 minutes and they'll sleep all afternoon.